stephanie smith realtor italy

I have been selling real estate for over 15 years. If you need more lookups, subscriptions start at $39 USD/month. Thanks to a dynamic workplace and the company's training courses, Lionard's agents have in-depth knowledge of the luxury real estate market. This education along with her endless Top Producer awards, makes her the go-to REALTOR in the Greater Houston Area. The National Association of REALTORS (NAR) is committed to providing an accessible website. As an investor herself, she has vast insider knowledge of the Chittenden County market and a passion for helping landlords obtain the most out of their investments. Need an agent who knows how to effectively market your home so it sells? 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Stephanie is a firm believer in continuing education and bettering herself for all parties in the real estate transaction. In February 2004, Realogy entered into a long-term strategic alliance with Sotheby's, the operator of the auction house. In the northern part of Rome, in one of the city's most exclusive residential areas, there is this majestic property for sale on the outskirts of the city centre. "Last 30 Days":i>=30&&i<90? It is recommended that you hire a professional in the business of determining dimensions, such as an appraiser, architect or civil engineer, to determine such information. The process was smooth and hassle-free for us, even though it was all happening in the hectic early days of the pandemic. In the renowned town of Porto Cervo, just a few steps away from the town centre, there is this stunning villa with a pool for sale, offering panoramic views of the deep blue sea. This prestigious property for sale is the 15th-century wing of Villa Frisiani Mereghetti, surrounded by the leafy landscape of Milan's countryside. I'm here to help you throughout your entire home buying and selling process. That's why I take the time upfront to understand your unique wants, needs and dislikes to ensure the rest of our time together is productive as possible. As an investor herself, she has vast insider knowledge of the Chittenden County market and a passion for helping landlords obtain the most out of their investments. (n.fill="#6F459B",n.stroke="#5B2E91"):(n.fill="#71bf44",n.stroke="#538c32"))),n},getSingleEntityTypeAndID:function(e){if(e){var t,r;return e.listing?(t=7, With over seven years of real estate and sales experience, Stephanie knows a thing or two about working hard for the dream. Conceived in the belief that home and living in full are inextricably entwined. 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In Tuscany, near Florence, there is this extraordinary castle designed by Brunelleschi and surrounded by grounds measuring approximately 1,200 hectares for sale. Make it easy on yourself by putting your home in the hands of a seasoned professional. [e]:Array.isArray(e)?e:[e],s=null!==(a=window.Homesnap.rewVersionNumber)&&void 0!==a?a:window.Homesnap.versionNumber;i.forEach(function(e){var a;if(-1==e.indexOf("https://")&&0!=e.indexOf("//")){var i=e.toLowerCase();e=t.cssAppHashes&&!t.cssAppHashes["".concat(i)]? Raised Protestant and sent to Catholic school by a family quiet about its Muslim roots, she's now mom to a twice exceptional tween who can discuss the Theory of Relativity but can't tell time. This charming luxury property for sale in Civitella Val di Chiana is surrounded by Tuscany's sweet rolling leafy hills, not far from the famous town of Arezzo. Franchise affiliates also benefit from an association with the venerable Sotheby's auction house, established in 1744. This splendid castle at the door of Milan, was built in 1593 on the ruins of the old east tower, still visible today. 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Nest VT provides exceptional service and value my wife and I hired Stephanie to help market our rental unit (in our owner-occupied duplex) to prospective new tenants. NAR will strive to provide the content you need in the format you require. About Sothebys International Realty Affiliates LLC. I'm not just a professional Real Estate Broker, I'm an advocate for you. 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Stephanie Smith Realtor at Silvercreek Realty Group Nampa, Idaho, United States. Fax: (713) 686-3108. In a stunning high position on the hills of Franciacorta, there is this prestigious residential complex for sale, home to an 18th-century noble palace. Stephanie Smith Realtor - Specialty Properties - Antique Home, Equestrian Properties, Beach & Country Estates. North of Rome, there is this stunning luxury property for sale in an exclusive intimate position, one step away from the city centre. New York City Metropolitan Area 367 connections Texas Real Estate Commission Consumer Protection Notice, Texas Real Estate Commission Information About Brokerage Services. Market knowledge goes beyond simply knowing the neighborhoods. Her first original novel, WRECKED, was released via Audible Originals in July 2022. She knows what it means to effectively communicate and what it takes to successfully close a transaction, making the buying or selling experience positive and seamless! This prestigious Medieval castle for sale is surrounded by one of the most enchanting landscapes of the Maremma area, on the border between Siena and Grosseto. All Rights Reserved. {{ userNotificationState.getAlertCount('bell') }}. View Premium Content not publicly available on the App. Using App you can scan this QR Code and instantly connect with me, Stephanie Smith. Most recently Co-Producer on Starz's upcoming John Wick spin-off THE CONTINENTAL, Stephanie is currently adapting Webtoons flagship comic LORE OLYMPUS with Webtoon/Wattpad and Henson Studios. In the town of Lari. Bachelor of Science (BSc) ( Business Administration with specialization in Finance), If you're not automatically redirected, please click here. We'll advertise your home through a variety of methods, including local publications and online MLS listings. Next Sign up for a free account. Sotheby's International Realty Affiliates LLC fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. It's our job to look after your best interests, and we will do so at no cost to you as a buyer. You will also receive email alerts when homes meet your search criteria and more. Organized, knowledgeable and friendly., The National Association of REALTORS (NAR) is committed to providing an accessible website. ", did a great job helping me find what I was looking for in a home. Lionard offers a constantly updated selection of splendid villas for sale from all over Italy with the purpose to offer its clients a full catalogue inclusive of prestigious estates and dream homes, located in the most extraordinary areas of Italy. (!window||null===(t=document)||void 0===t||!t.documentElement)&&window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue(e)}},a.application={parseQueryString:function(e){for(var t,r,n=/(? No credit card required. For Sale Active listings data currently unavailable. You will find the most complete and exclusive collection of properties for sale in Italy featuring luxury villas, historic homes, castles, apartments, vineyards and farmhouses in the most sought-after regions of Italy including Tuscany, Lombardy, Piedmont, Veneto, Liguria, Lazio and Sardinia. This luxurious castle surrounded by the Tuscan countryside is for sale a few kilometres from Lucca, a town renowned for its elegance. This stunning apartment with a big terrace is for sale by the sea of the renowned town of Bordighera, in a prestigious period estate of great charm. Stephanie Smith Real Estate Associate in Roseville California - Sotheby's International Realty Roseville, California, United States Stephanie Smith DRE# 01496820 Send message Our agents are known in their communities for their integrity and the exceptional level of service they provide. In Rome's elegant Parioli residential area, an exclusive district that is full of charm and elegance, there is this luxury estate for sale at a stone's throw from the city centre. Contemporary landscapes, party barns, and bespoke home cocktail bars are all the rage. In just a few weeks, I got the price I wanted., Stephine Local Expertise. This apartment immersed in a setting of incomparable beauty overlooks one of the symbols of this island. Global Connections. She most recently completed her Graduate REALTOR Institute (GRI), Accredited Buyer's Representative (ABR) designation, Seller's Representative Specialist (SRS) designation, and the e-PRO certification. Because the return on investment is huge: Zero hassle for us, and great tenants at the end of it all. Lionard Luxury Real Estate's team is made up of competent, serious, and reliable professionals who are able to meet the needs of a varied and demanding international clientele. They are thus able to meet any kind of request by proposing very personal and exclusive solutions. Close Stephanie is fluent in English, French and Italian. I have almost completed the process of obtaining my Series 6 license and understand all aspects of investments. The 411 on the 420Can Tenants Smoke Marijuana in Your Rental. Founded in 1976 to provide independent brokerages with a powerful marketing and referral program for luxury listings, the Sotheby's International Realty network was designed to connect the finest independent real estate companies to the most prestigious clientele in the world. Please enter your username or email address. We hand pick our properties and select the best listings to offer you from the most desirable locations such as Venice, Florence, Rome, Siena, Capri, Milan, Lucca, Turin, Porto Cervo, Portofino, Madonna di Campiglio and Forte dei Marmi. (n.conversationLong=e[o.getDay()]+" "+n.formattedTime,n.conversationShort=e[o.getDay()],n):(n.conversationLong=n.monthDayYear+" "+n.formattedTime,n.conversationShort=n.monthDayYear,n)}return null},getSummary:function(e){var t="";return e.text&&(t=e.text),e.propertyAddress? to specify the nature of the accessibility issue and any assistive technology you use. Submit the form or call me directly using the number above. About Stephanie Harper-Smith Realtor Associate. "".concat(t.cssMainRootPath,"/").concat(e):"".concat(t.cssRootPath,"/").concat(e)}if(t.cssAppHashes&&t.cssRootPath&&0===e.indexOf(t.cssRootPath)){var l=e.replace("".concat(t.cssRootPath,"/"),"").toLowerCase();a=t.cssAppHashes[l]||r}else if(t.cssHashes&&t.cssMainRootPath&&0===e.indexOf(t.cssMainRootPath)){var u=e.replace("".concat(t.cssMainRootPath,"/"),"").toLowerCase();a=t.cssHashes[u]||r}void 0!==a&&""!==a&&(e+="".concat(-1===e.indexOf("?")?"? This wonderfl luxury villa with private access to the sea is for sale in the heart of Sestri Levante, overlooking the Gulf of Tigullio, in the province of Genoa. 191 likes. Thank you for your interest. As the manager for the region, I regularly interact with administrative offices in . )?/,""),roundedMinutes:Math.round(e/60)}}},a.user={getFileID:function(e){return e.toString().split("").reverse().join("")},getProfileImage:function(e,t,r){var n=e>0? In the province of Bologna, Emilia Romagna, on the top of a cypress-adorned hill, there is this wonderful castle, an ancient 13th-century convented now converted into a luxury resort. NAR will strive to provide the content you need in the format you require. I also help you with CREDIT REPAIR and RAISING your Credit Score. I am so excited to now be. I would absolutely hire Stephanie and Nest VT again. Affiliations in the system are granted only to brokerages and individuals meeting strict qualifications. I am not typically one to write online reviews, but for Nest VT and Stephanie Aubert, I make an exception. Stephanie's international roots along with her time living abroad have allowed her to develop strong cultural communication skills and connections . Will do so at no cost to you as a buyer helping me find i... Nampa, Idaho, United States advocate for you in February 2004, Realogy into. Did a great job helping me find what i was looking for in a setting incomparable. Awards, makes her the go-to Realtor in the Greater Houston Area putting your so... < 90 reviews, but for Nest VT again the real estate market immersed in a of... Variety of methods, including local publications and online MLS listings brokerages and individuals meeting qualifications., WRECKED, was released via Audible Originals in July 2022 if you need in the system are only. You as a buyer with administrative offices in Originals in July 2022 two working. 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